Thanks for the Love!

Just wanted to thanks folks that have given Asheville Fashions some friendly public attention including Ashvegas, jeff fobes and Ty Hallock.

I also appreciate being able to contribute to the Mountain Xpress Blogwire.

Update: And thank you Gordon Smith and Asheville News!

If you post about or link to Asheville Fashions, please let me know:
Clyde Smith

2 thoughts on “Thanks for the Love!”

  1. Lots of love coming down on this snazzy new blog. I look forward to keeping up (from Raleigh)with the cool, slightly bizarre, very 60’s but also 21st century looks I so enjoy every time I hit the downtown Asheville scene.

  2. Sometimes it feels like the past, sometimes it feels like the future. I think Asheville stepped sideways in history, in certain respects, which I greatly appreciate.

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