Cory and Charlotte, Downtown Asheville, Feb. 2011
First, my apologies to this fine couple, Charlotte and Cory. They deserve to have someone more talented than I to capture their gentle, whimsical magic.
Cory (detail)
While there are some interesting individual touches here, such as Cory's scarf and Charlotte's gloves (a gift from Cory), it's the composite look that attracted me. The "assembled from thrift stores on our way to a street fair" look that is one aspect of Asheville Fashions I intend to pursue.
Charlotte (detail)
Some of the pieces were new to their personal collections (the jacket and vest, I think) and found via the "Buck a Pound" offerings at the Goodwill at 1011 (?) Patton Ave.
Cory and Charlotte
This brief encounter in downtown Asheville clued me in to the fine art of not cutting off people's feet (and/or heads) but, sadly, only after the fact! And I'm also only now realizing that I should have gotten a separate pic of Charlotte's bag. It looks rather interesting. Ah, well, live and learn.
Cory and Charlotte
I'm not sure if the loving vibe Cory and Charlotte exuded on this sunny Sunday afternoon in Februrary is communicated by these photos but the energy I experienced made me wish that I could have launched on Valentine's Day with this lovely couple.
Note: In addition to my own attempts at Flipcam-powered street fashion photography, I look forward to running photos from locals across the proam spectrum. Hit me up at:
Welcome to Asheville Fashions!